Construction Dust Risk Assessments

At Ultra Protect, our specialised consultants offer comprehensive risk assessments, expert guidance, and training to help businesses like yours achieve total legal compliance.

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Construction Dust:  Risk Assessments, Guidance & Training

Managing dust in the workplace correctly and safely is vital for complying with the Health & Safety at Work Act of 1974. COSHH regulations explicitly address tasks that can expose workers to the adverse health risks associated with construction dust, while the Health & Safety Executive emphasises dust control across all dust-producing industries. 

These regulatory bodies have laid the foundations for safety directives when managing dust, continuously instating new legislation to further protect employees and the public from construction-related particulates. 

From effective dust management to meeting regulatory standards, Ultra Protect helps safeguard your workplace and employees.
Get in touch today and take the first step toward a safer, compliant future.

Information our assessment services include:

Mandated by the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) regulations, a thorough risk assessment should include: 

  1. The identification of dust hazards by their potential sources. 
  2. An evaluation of health risks, some of which can lead to chronic respiratory diseases. 
  3. Determining who may be exposed to the dust, i.e., workers, visitors, and nearby residents. 
  4. Implementing strategies and control measures to minimise exposure. 
  5. Regular monitoring of dust levels to ensure implemented strategies are effective. 
  6. Health surveillance programs to detect early symptoms of dust-related illnesses. 
  7. Training workers on the risks associated with dust exposure, how to correctly use PPE and follow control measures. 

It’s imperative to address all these areas to ensure construction sites comply with UK Health & Safety regulations. By doing so, employers can safeguard the well-being of all individuals involved.

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The 3 Types of Construction Dust

In construction, there are three primary types of dust that pose health risks. Each one requires specific control measures to protect workers from chronic respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. These include:

Contact Our Team for a Site Visit Today

Protect yourself, your employees, site visitors, and more from the harmful effects of dust. Speak with our dust risk assessment experts to learn more and find out how you can improve and manage air quality on site.

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Dust Risk Assessment FAQs

Got a question? We’re here to help.

  • Why is a dust risk assessment needed?

    Construction dust poses a serious threat to people’s health. This is taken seriously by local authorities and national legislation.  As such, dust management is often required to gain planning permission, and dust risk assessments are a fundamental aspect of effective dust management solutions.

  • What is the HSE dust limit?

    The Workplace Exposure Limit laid out by HSE is 3mg/m3 for hardwood and 5mg/m3 for softwood based on an eight-hour time-weighted average.

  • How do you measure dust in the workplace?

    We utilise a number of methods and specialised monitoring equipment to provide accurate analysis of the composition of the air on your site.

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