Studies reveal the negative impact of exposure to particulate air pollution on human health
Indoor air quality (IAQ) has never been more important. Not only is cleanliness a big component of meeting guest expectations, but it also is something that guests now demand as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
As retail and the hospitality industry returns to work after the last couple of years issues, around 86% have said they consider air quality one of the most important factors in their workplace. This includes improving the Air Quality improvements for their customers.
When thinking of cleanliness within hospitality and leisure, most people are initially inclined to focus on surfaces that people are routinely touching, such as self-check-in, door handles, merchandise or even coffee makers.
However, focusing on clean air should also be just as important – if not more important. We are all breathing the same air when indoors. Often, the air circulating within a building is contaminated because of poor ventilation and a lack of proper filtration. The pandemic has made the public aware that stagnant air can lead to quicker spread of viruses and bacteria.
There are many factors that contribute to poor indoor air quality, many of which can lead to unsatisfied guests or visitors. For example, unwanted odours near pools, bathrooms, changing rooms, dining areas and kitchens can cause guests to leave negative reviews. Allergens, including pollen and dust, can even lead to guests feeling unwell.
Another factor leading to poor indoor air quality are Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). Cigarette smoke, pesticides used in landscaping and paint on the walls are all considered VOCs that can cause a wide range of health effects, including eye, skin and mucous membrane irritation. While most people aren’t greatly impacted by low amounts of VOCs, those with asthma can have a moderate to severe reaction.
Unfortunately, HVAC systems can’t be fully trusted to take care of these issues. In fact, studies have shown that ventilation systems have contributed to infectious disease transmission – like COVID-19 – in areas of high risk, such as gymnasiums, hotel lobbies, business centres and dining rooms, due to low air exchange rates, poor maintenance and lack of HEPA-grade filters. This is why hospitality are turning to UVC air purification technology to help keep guests healthy and satisfied.
HEPA filters have been proven to have a great impact in reducing pollutants and unwanted particulates from the air. In fact, medical-grade HEPA filters can remove 99.97% of pollutants from the air without releasing harmful compounds. When evaluating a particulate filter used in an air purifier, ensure that it is up to HEPA standards and will clean the air effectively. HEPA filters will do a great job of capturing larger particulates, but will not capture VOCs. To remove VOCs, you will need an air purifier with additional technology.
In addition, UVC sanitisation can disinfect the air within minutes to eliminate harmful germs, bacteria and viruses. Having UVC in addition to a HEPA filter provides double the safety measures in keeping the air clean and safe – especially when someone could unknowingly be sick.
Air quality testing is important to help ensure your buildings safety and compliance to the latest legal requirements.
How often have you been inside for a longer period of time when tiredness sets in, resulting in less productivity and attention – which means focus is massively reduced.
This is generally due to poor Air Quality within the workspace environments and is affecting people’s health and costing companies money.
At Ultra Protect we provide a full Air Quality Assessment complete with detailed report on particles identified within your office space, complete with a full solution offering.
This enables an Air Quality Management system to be put into place giving the employer control – knowing what the issues are, the reasons why, what needs to be done and by whom.
The solutions will dramatically improve employee’s performance, improve stress levels, improve relations, improve health and improve the company’s bottom line.
Note that your employees are often the first to notice any odours or uncomfortably hot and stuffy work rooms indicative of an air quality issue. Encouraging them to report any concerns or complaints is one of your best lines of defence in protecting and improving the air - for everyone’s comfort and enjoyment.
And because the factors that contribute to indoor air quality are diverse -- ranging from the quality of air flow afforded through fans to the presence or absence of dust and mould -- there are opportunities at numerous levels to make improvements. Through good housekeeping in the form of routine cleaning, for instance, regular maintenance of the HVAC system, and use of the right products like air purifiers that remove pollutants on the spot for an immediate benefit -- cleaner air is within reach.
Indoor air quality is a “constantly changing interaction of complex factors.”
Sources of air pollutants or odours;
Design, maintenance, and operation of building ventilation systems including lack of filter replacement.
Moisture and humidity.
Occupant perceptions and susceptibilities. (i.e., allergies and asthmatic conditions)
The spread of Pathogens. (Including viruses)
It’s important to understand what your Air Quality situation is.
What are the required levels of Air Quality?
How can they be achieved?
To achieve this, an Internal Air Quality (IAQ) Management System needs to be implemented and a IAQ assessment needs to be carried out
This will enable you to: -
Eliminate the sources of air pollutants.
Improve the office’s ventilation system.
Use UVC air cleaners and purifiers in the space.
Whether you are a Hotel, Gymnasium, Restaurant, Bar, Café, Hostel, Function or even at a resort then customer retention is at the heart of a health, vibrant, profitable and sustainable business.
With the continuing issues of Virus transmissions, it’s more important now than ever to let your customers know that your premises is Air Quality Safe and Surface sanitised – which will encourage them to return.
A cleaner healthier environment will improve your customers' experience, increase customer loyalty and show that you put their health first.
At Ultra-Protect, we not only carry out Internal Air Quality Assessments and provide Air Quality and Sanitisation Solutions, we also provide wall certificates and window & entrance door stickers that show your customers that your premise is cleaner, fresher, healthier and compliant.
A great way for happy, healthy returning customers to promote your business – let them tell others.
Air quality testing is important to help ensure your buildings safety and compliance to the latest legal requirements.
We can assess your building for the following:
● CO2 Levels
● Carbon Monoxide Levels
● Nitrogen Dioxide
● Particulate matter (2.5- & 10-micron counts)
● Temperature
● Humidity
● Microbiological counts
● Ventilation flow rates / Air changes
CO2 Levels in the workplace
● CO2 levels are measured in parts per million (ppm) with the recommended indoor level capped at around 600 ppm.
● Unfortunately most office environments have an existing level between 1000 – 2500ppm – where studies show that an
employee’s performance will drop between 35 and 60% dependant on the activity.
● This increases to 91% where levels exceed 2500ppm.
Facts on Air Pollution
● Air pollution is one of the UK’s (and the world’s) biggest killers.
● The smallest particles are the most dangerous – these are generally INVISIBLE to the eye.
● Worldwide, the human costs of indoor and outdoor air pollution are terrible - millions of premature deaths each year are linked to air pollution.
● Children are most vulnerable to air pollution.
● A child born today might not breathe clean air until they are 8.
● Most areas of the UK are breaking WHO and UK limits on air pollution.
● Air pollution causes up to 36,000 early deaths a year in the UK.
● Invisible pollution claims more than 9,000 early deaths each year in London.
● London’s air is some of the dirtiest in Europe. In 2016 the government was ordered by the High Court to come up with a plan to clean up air across the UK in the shortest possible time.
● ONLY 5 days into 2017, annual air pollution limits in parts of London were breached for the WHOLE YEAR.
● Being inside a building can be more dangerous for your health as air quality internally is generally 5 times worse.
● Air pollution costs the UK £20 billion a year.
Under the current Health & Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and the Occupiers Liability Act 1984, an employer has a duty of care to ensure that a safe and healthy environment is provided. The Approved Code of Practice accompanying the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations, states that indoor air quality should be at least equal to, but ideally better than, the air outside your building and that all commercial premises must have an Air Quality Management system in place. To achieve this then an Air Quality Assessment would need to be completed.
The Internal Air Quality Assessment report is effectively an internal Risk Assessment of your property, laying out in simple terms what the existing Air Quality state of play is, the reasons why and how it can be improved with both short and longer-term measures. It is a report that will give you control of your Air Quality situation and will allow you to control the improvements based on the risk factor.
✓ Carry out a full site Air Quality Risk Assessment.
✓ Attend site to give advice & solutions.
✓ Supply, install and commission all equipment bespoke to your premises.
✓ Provide service packages to maintain the life expectancy and performance of your air movement solutions.
✓ Training include system control options and use.
✓ Help YOU provide a Cleaner, Healthier and more Productive Workplace.
✓ Pro-active Air Quality Monitoring for control of your air quality and building air movement systems.
✓ V-Mass and VSC solution ducting purification system for ducted ventilation retrofit or new systems.
✓ UVC Air Purification – wall, ceiling, floor, desk or within the ducted system.
✓ Dust Management solutions – at source, in the air or on the surface.
✓ Ventilation, Air Handling Systems and Heat Recovery products.
✓ Air Cooling Solutions.
✓ Infection control solutions for the Air and Surface.
✓ Supply, install and commission all equipment bespoke to your premises.
✓ Provide service packages to maintain the life expectancy and performance of your air movement & sanitisation
We have the expertise and products to provide solutions for a cleaner, fresher and healthier environment for us to work in.
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