Construction dust is more voracious than your usual household dust.
It comes in greater quantities and it tends to accumulate in places you can’t easily reach. Construction dust also poses greater allergen threats from foreign materials. Renovating is the second most popular construction activity and by far the dirtiest.
Construction dust is not just a nuisance – it can seriously damage your health. Regularly breathing in these dusts over a long time can cause life-changing lung diseases.
Construction dust is a general term
Used to describe different dusts you may find on a construction site. There are three main types:
Anyone who breathes in these dusts should know the damage they can do to the lungs and airways.
The main dust-related diseases affecting construction workers are:
Some lung disease, like advanced silicosis or asthma, can come on quite quickly.
However, most of these diseases take a long time to develop. Dust can build up in the lungs and harm them gradually over time.
The effects are often not immediately obvious. Unfortunately, by the time it is noticed the total damage done may already be serious and life changing. It may mean permanent disability and early death.
Construction workers have a high risk of developing these diseases because many common construction tasks can create high dust levels.
The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (COSHH) cover activities which may expose workers to construction dust. For all construction sites,a Dust Management Scheme needs to be in place at the very start of the project. This would include an implemented action plan. This will give the site full control of an dust issues created during the complete project works. This will give the site full control of any dust issues created during the complete project works. It will allow for the contamination of the dust emissions from the site and create a heathier work place for all. Importantly it will ensure you are compliant with the legislation
Three key things you need to do:
You are obliged to assess the risks linked to the work and materials. High dust levels are caused by one or more of the following:
There are many suitable dust control products available for site work – both internal and external.
They are provided relative to the task type, size of the task, site conditions or type, power being available, water supply being available.
We can also provide external Dust Monitoring – either via a Trotec hand held calibrated meter or via a Proactive cloud base real time system for 24-hour control. This would also allow for a report download for Health & safety compliance.
We are all beginning to understand the importance of breathing good quality air for our own health, the people around us and the environment.
The HSE reported that there were around 39,000 individuals suffering breathing and lung problems in the UK and there are around 8,000 deaths per year as a result of occupational cancer. (2020)
Dust control is a legal requirement within the UK – the government run Health and Safety Executive (HSE) have made dust a primary focus, giving out fines of up to £2000 plus where inefficient, the wrong or no dust extraction is being used.
The Dust Management Scheme is the first step for a construction site to control the potential dust that is created with its site activities. It is a requirement for local planning and Health & Safety compliance with the scheme needing to be bespoke for each individual site circumstances.
The scheme should include: -
A site attendance to understand the site and activities.
Take into account the time of year and weather conditions.
Take into account the neighbours, neighbourhoods, site perimeters and any sensitive situations.
Take into account the site access and adjoining roads.
Understand all the site activities.
List each of the sites dust tasks.
Set out control measures for each of the tasks identified.
Provide solutions to control each individual dust emission source.
Set out the task Risk Factors and management controls.
Provide corrective actions with solution recommendations.
Provide a site action plan.
Provide solutions for each dust emission source.
Provide a site Dust Management Folder for site update and Health & safety and Local Authority inspection
Air quality testing is important to help ensure your buildings safety and compliance to the latest legal requirements.
We have the expertise and products to provide solutions for a cleaner, fresher and healthier environment for us to work in.
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