What are Dust Blockers
July 20, 2022

Dust Management

No matter what industry you are in there is always dust you cannot see. Whether it is the food industry, bakeries, schools, car manufacturing plants, shop refit industry, warehouses, hospital works, care homes or even just in the office or at the doctor’s surgery. 

With the Dust Blocker Pro range, we can offer a full service from specification to long term lease and full filter service. We come on site and measure the dust particles in the air and take several measurements. We then put that data into a special form which in turn provides us with an average and also a recommendation of what machine is needed to bring the air dust levels to meet the current EU recommendations.

What will a Dust-Blocker do for me?

Dust in the air is often dust we cannot see but can also be the more harmful dust. Dust-Blocker is also often used in bakeries to keep the flour dust in the air down.

Dust-Blocker is also used to reduce the cleaning needed when handing over a shop fit out, a hospital ward or an office and other environments.

They filter out the dust that normally settles over the area. We can offer a full set up and initial clean service
using these machines if needed.

Dust Management Regulations

Considering the very strict regulation of 0.075 mg per m³ of silica dust in the breathing zone of a user corresponds with a volume of 0.5 cm silica dust in a plastic coffee cup in a room with a surface area of a football pitch and a height of 4 metres!). It is virtually impossible to meet these strict requirements without using room cleaners, such as the Dust-Blocker range that are specifically developed for this purpose.

Under virtually all circumstances, Dust-Blockers are able to provide great results. This is essential for the construction supervisor,

considering the announcement by the Social Affairs and Employment Inspectorate that the employer is obliged to prove that exposure to hazardous substances (respirable silica, wood dust, etc) on the workplace remains below the current limit values, whereby the total system (tool, extraction module, vacuum cleaner, water supply) is measured as point of departure.

Fines for not observing the regulations may run up to £8,000 per workplace, and it is even possible that the work activities must be stopped.

What can you do to keep your lungs healthy?

By working carefully and using Dust-Blockers to filter the air, you breathe in 10x up to 100x less particulates. Every breath counts! Every day, day in and day out, you have to be committed and focused on working carefully. This will cost you time now, but the profits will only become clear in about 10, 20 or 30 years.

We are specialised to develop devices to improve indoor air quality, with low space and energy requirements, as well as for variable locations. The aim is to establish a circulating air stream in closed rooms or halls. Because of continuously circulating air layers all fine particulates get disposed of by our special filters in the machine, so the clean air can be fed back into the room.

The composition of the particles in the air is very different. They consist of natural and anthropogenic components. These particles originate mainly from industrial processes, transport, energy, construction activities and agriculture. Also, airborne bacteria, germs, spores, fungi and pollen are disposed by our excellent filter media and contribute a great extent to the improvement of the health status. These micro small particles are found almost over weeks and months in permanent limbo in rooms again.

10 reasons to buy a Dust-Blocker

  • A general dust reduction up to 95%. (Dust / fine-dust) with possibilities to get Dust values in areas between ISO-6 - ISO 9(ISO146441-1).
  • Large Dust reduction can avoid the building of an ATEX dust explosion-proof room.
  • (Ex)Aerosols in air are filtered, what reduces errors in machines and computers.
  • Avoid dust on packing material/finished goods.
  • Easy upgrade of labour limit values.
  • Clearly better air to breathe Dust / Pollen / Bacteria free.
  • A huge contribution to the improvement process at working places.
  • A clear reduction in soil and end cleaning.
  • Saving in energy cost up to 30%.
  • Castors make the Dust-Blocker ultra-manoeuvrable.

To Measure is to Know

These days we are able to establish locations where fine dust occurs and to measure the concentrations. The government recognises the risk of working in an environment with fine dust and is tightening up regulations

how to choose a good air purifier for your office
By Andy Potter February 11, 2025
The workplace is where your employees spend the majority of their time during the week, and having great air quality is crucial not only for their health but also for their productivity. Improving the air quality in your office minimises the risk of your employees having to take sick leave, as it reduces the level of respiratory diseases and allergens in the air. Investing in a high-quality air purifier is one of the best ways to improve the air quality in your workspace. There’s no shortage of air purifiers on the market, but how do you know which is best? This is our comprehensive explainer guide to why you should invest in an air purifier and the factors you must keep at the forefront of your mind during your search. The Importance Of Indoor Air Quality In The Workplace Indoor air quality (IAQ) is vital in the workplace, and it refers to the quality of the air within indoor spaces. Poor indoor air quality correlates directly with the amount of sick days taken in workplaces. Having a poor IAQ can cause a number of different detrimental health side effects, including allergies, headaches, dizziness, nausea and respiratory problems. The World Health Organisation has called air quality “the world’s largest single environmental health risk,” so there is definite cause for concern regarding your workplace's IAQ. Not only is it vital for ensuring workplace health and safety, but it’s also crucial for maintaining a great reputation in your industry. What Kinds Of Rules & Regulations Are In Place For Workplace IAQ? There are a number of different rules around IAQ that are set out in the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) regulations. These regulations state that all workplaces must be ventilated with enough fresh air to prevent ill health. The HSE recommends a fresh air supply of 5-8 litres per second per person but in commercial buildings, 10 litres per second per person is the recommendation. Investing in air purifiers for business is a great way to ensure that you are always compliant with the most current IAQ regulations. When it comes to air quality, the air introduced into a workplace needs to be free of impurities or airborne diseases that may cause illness. But with so many air purifiers on the market, how do you know which is best for your business? Choosing An Air Purifier: Everything You Need To Know When it comes to air purifiers , there are a few things you have to be aware of in order to get the most out of your model – there’s no point investing in an air purifier if you’re not going to see any benefits. These are some of the most important things you need to be aware of when you’re looking for an air purification system that will work for your space. 1. Room Size Knowing the room size is crucial if you’re looking for an air purifier for your workplace. There’s no point investing in a model that isn’t large enough when you calculate your air volume. 2. Your Problem Knowing your problem is key to figuring out which purifier is going to work best for your business. First uncover if your IAQ problems are to do with viruses, mould, smells or something else entirely so that you can tailor your solutions to best suit your needs. 3. Your Needs Once you’ve got your room size and your problem pinpointed, you can begin to look for an air purifier that creates the correct number of Air Changes per Hour (ACH), if this isn’t able to be achieved, your air purifier won’t perform. You also have to be aware of the types of filters that you need as this can have a big impact on ACH. It’s crucial to choose a model that has the right sensor for your needs, otherwise, the auto mode becomes redundant. For example, if smells or dust are the major problem you’re facing, having a model with an in-built CO2 detector isn’t necessary. Types Of Businesses That Can Benefit From Air Purifiers There are a number of businesses that benefit from air purifiers and it’s not just office spaces. Hotels, nursing homes, construction sites and student accommodation are all examples of spaces where IAQ is crucial. Hotel rooms, student accommodation, and offices that lack ventilation can experience issues with both air quality and mould, so ensuring you have an air purification process in place is vital to ensure the safety of employees, guests, and residents alike. Office spaces may benefit from ultra-quiet models that can be on at all times without interrupting telephone calls or important meetings. Whilst hotels and student accommodations may benefit from a wall model that has both air purification and dehumidification in a single unit so you can improve ventilation, prevent mould and improve air quality. Types Of Filters For Your Workplace HEPA HEPA air filters can trap 99.97% of airborne particles that are 0.3 microns or smaller. They remove allergens like dust, mould, pollen and dander. They can also effectively remove smoke and fumes. HEPA filters are great for use in hospitals, nursing homes, hospices, and other areas where constant air purification is an absolute must. Carbon Filters Carbon filters use activated carbon to remove smells, gasses and pollutants from the air. They’re great for removing smells from smoke as well as removing volatile organic compounds like paint, cleaning products and construction materials. They are also effective at removing gasses from acetone and paint fumes, so they are great for construction sites. UC-V UC-V purifiers use Ultraviolet-C light to eliminate airborne pathogens like bacteria, viruses and mould spores. They are great for air purification in areas where reducing airborne pathogens is vital. The UV-C light is combined with filtration technologies like HEPA or carbon filters to neutralise and remove any potential contaminants. Air Purifier Placement Placement matters when it comes to choosing an air purifier for your workplace. You need to ensure it is off the floor, which saves space and ensures that it doesn’t just get unplugged and forgotten about by an employee. Wall models are a great option for businesses as they can be wired into an electrical circuit to be on 24/7. These are perfect for workplaces as you can “set and forget” your air purifier and rest assured that the IAQ in your space is in line with UK regulations. They’re also great as they save space and are a discreet option if aesthetics are important to you. Ceiling models (with noise reduction) are another popular option for workplaces. They can be easily added to the correct positions so that the room's individuals benefit directly from the clean airflow. How Can Ultra Protect Help You? If you’ve been wondering how to choose a good air purifier for your business, our team at Ultra Protect is here to help. In addition to our range of air purifiers, we also have InBiot , a smart solution that monitors and enhances your building's indoor air quality in real-time. Whether you’re looking to upgrade your current air purification process or you’re moving to a new space and want to start fresh, we can provide you with bespoke solutions that will work for your business. Contact us today for a consultation or for more information on how you can effectively improve the IAQ in your workplace.
Candles & indoor air quality
By Andy Potter February 3, 2025
Learn how burning candles affects your indoor air quality and discover countermeasures to reduce health risks.
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